Explore Faith.
Whether you are new here or just curious,
we would love to say hello.
Are you curious, uncertain or confused about the Christian faith? Are you asking questions like, “Does God exist?” “Who is Jesus?”, “How do I know the Bible is true?” and “Why am I here?”. We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore faith and ask questions. So why not check out the Alpha course!
Alpha is where these and other vital questions about the Christian faith can be discussed and answered in a fun and non-pressurised environment. Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.
Curious to know more? Then please drop us an email, fill out the contact form or come and visit us on Sunday. Anyone is welcome!

What to expect on a Sunday
A typical Sunday service runs for approx 1hr 15min and includes music, someone sharing and teaching from the bible and communion and an offering may also be included. You are welcome to just observe or participate. There are no requirements or expectations on you to be a part of the service. You are also welcome to join us for a coffee and a chat after the service.

What about my kids?
Pre-Kinder – Grade 6 Program
We can’t wait to welcome your child into the Go Kids community!
Each week our team of dedicated and fun kids leaders create age-based environments that your child will LOVE! Art, music, games, and friendships, are just a small part of what they will experience.
Your child will learn that they are wonderfully made and loved by God.
Sign in is available from 9:45 with time to make sure your little one is comfortable before the service begins.
Our church is a child safe church with all volunteers and staff working with children requiring a Working With Childrens screening and training.
Year 7 – Year 12
Our community youth program runs during the school term for 2 hours on a Friday night from 7-9pm. We also run a dedicated session for youth during church on a Sunday morning. This is a great time to connect with the young crew, see how their week has been going, get alongside them and encourage them in the word of God.
Young Adults
18 – 30
Our young adults crew meet on a regular basis to encourage, learn and do life together.
We would love to say Hello and get to know you!
Fill out the form below or join us this Sunday morning